Microsoft Office 2010 Bible

Office 2010 Bible CoverThe book contains 1,301 pages, a 28-page Table of Contents, including a 57-page Index and three appendices. In addition to the Introduction, the book has eight parts.

The back cover of the book states:
“Get the most out of Office 2010 with this all-in-one resource. …it combines the best-of-the best content from the Excel 2010 Bible, Word 2010 Bible, PowerPoint 2010 Bible and the Access 2010 Bible.”

Contained in this book, supposedly, is everything you ever wanted to know about the Microsoft Office 2010 Programs: Excel, Word, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook, Publisher, Access and One Note.

Well, not quite. Continue reading

Painter XI WOW! Book

Painter XI Wow! book coverThis is a great book – if you aren’t already an owner of the Painter X WOW! Book. If you own that earlier volume, you already have all but about a dozen pages of this book. Frankly, what’s missing isn’t worth buying the book again.

When I received the Painter XI WOW! Book and started paging through it, I kept having the feeling, “I’ve seen this image before.” It got so bad I went through my bookcase and pulled out my copy of the Painter X WOW! Book. I sat down at the kitchen table with both books and went through them simultaneously, page by page. Continue reading